Pendennis Castle Wedding | Laura & Oli
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13th April, 2013I'll be honest, after a rather wet week, I didn't sleep very well the night before Laura & Oli's Pendennis Castle wedding despite going to yoga the night before, but I need not worry as the weather was beautiful when I woke up. So first off we met with Oli and the boys for a stroll through some woods near his home for some relaxed photos.

I love Kennel Vale, I've used it a few times for photo shoots and have been blown away by its beauty every time I go there.

So after a good morning walk and a nice opportunity to meet the boys we headed off to meet the girls at St.Michaels Hotel in Falmouth.

When we arrived Laura and her sister Tasha who was also her bridesmaid were in a relaxed mood while they were getting their hair done by Sarah of Capella the hair stylist at Princes House in Truro.

Laura went for a 1920 Art Deco inspired uber elegant dress that she got from County Cream and for Tasha Laura chose a vintage beaded dress from Little Jems, both in Truro.

Laura kept the simplistic theme going with her flowers supplied by George MacKay of Falmouth going for a Lilly of the valley arrangement.

So after a few relaxed photos at St.Michaels we were whisked off the Pendennis in a pair of Audi A8's (Very nice toys!) where everyone was waiting as you would expect the military timing. So after a couple of quick shot out the front we went in for the ceremony.

Pendennis is notoriously dark inside during the ceremony, but with fast enough kit you are able to shoot without flash (which the registrars insist on) which I do prefer as it gives more atmosphere. Here's a word of warning here, if you have booked a photographer for your Pendennis wedding and he/she isn't shooting with a Canon 1D or 5D Mk3 with at least a F2.8 lens or lower, your photos are likely to look sub standard (Sorry don't know about Nikons but the same goes for the lens too).

Would you believe it after the ceremony we must have caught the only rain cloud in the county that day so after a few congratulations and full group shots we saw the BIG gun go off and then we all went back into the castle to shelter from the rain. So we went upstairs for a few more playful photos.

Then it was time for the confetti shot before sending the guests over to the barrack block for the reception.

Then after the two must have group photos I took Laura and Oli back inside to get some photo of just the two of them.

Then it was back over to the Barrack block for the wedding breakfast and speeches.

It's a shame the rain came but it didn't dampen the spirits, and I know Laura and Oli are in store for a long and happy life together.
Best of luck Mr & Mrs Warren! xx